경영/경제/마케팅 Business/Management/Marketing/ Human Resources |
Aberdeen, Brunel, Cardiff, City, Cranfield, Glasgow, Durham, York, Essex, Exeter, Liverpool, Newcastle, Nottingham, OnCampus London, QMUL, QUB, SOAS, RHUL, Sheffield, Strathclyde, Surrey, Sussex, UEA |
경제 Ecomomics/Economics(Conversion) |
Essex, Durham, Lancaster, Sheffiled, Strathclyde, Surrey, RHUL |
회계/재정 Accounting/Finance/Actuarial/ Banking/Actuarial |
Aberdeen, Durham, Essex, Exeter, Glasgow, Liverpool, Newcastle, QUB, RHUL, SOAS, Strathclyde, Sussex, UEA |
관광/호텔/이벤트 Tourism/Hotel/Events |
Brighton, Glasgow, Goldsmiths, Surrey |
물류 Logistics/Supply Chain |
Cranfield, Durham, Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, RHUL, Sussex |
럭셔리브랜드/크리에이티브 경영 Luxuary Brand/Creative management |
City, Goldsmith, Nottingham Trent, York |
패션 마케팅 Fashion Marketing/ Communications/Management |
Nottingham Trent |
개발학 Development |
Durham, Glasgow, Lancaster, QMUL, SOAS, UEA |
정치/국제관계학 Politics/International Relations/ Global Politics |
Essex, Glasgow, Lancaster, Nottingham, QUB, SOAS, UEA, York |
법대 Law/Commercial Law/ International Law/ Corportate Law/Maritime Law |
Aberdeen, Brunel, City, Durham, Lancaster, Liverpool, Newcastle, Nottingham, QUB, Sheffiled, SOAS, Strathclyde, York |
범죄학 Criminology |
Aberdeen, City, Essex, Lancaster, QUB, Sheffield, Strathclyde, York |
사회학 Sociology/Social Research |
Aberdeen, Cardiff, Durham, Essex, Glasgow, INTO Manchester, Lancaster, Leeds, Newcastle, RHUL, Sheffield, Sussex |
교육 Education/Child Education |
Cardiff, Glasgow, INTO Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Stirling, Sheffiled, Strathclyde, Sussex, UEA, York |
테솔/통역 TESOL |
Essex, Glasgow, INTO Manchester, Nottingham, QUB, Sheffiled |
통역/번역 Translation/Interpreting |
Cardiff, QUB, Stirling |
역사 History/Archaeology |
Essex, Glasgow, Liverpool, Sheffiled, Sussex |
인류학 Anthropology |
Durham, Sussex |
문학 Literature |
Brunel, Essex, Glasgow, Sheffiled |
철학 Philosophy |
Glasgow, Lancaster, Liverpool |
극작/다큐멘터리 Playwirting & Creative Writing/ Creative Documentary Practice |
City, Essex, Glasgow, Sheffiled, Sussex |
심리학 Psychology/Social Psychology |
Essex, Liverpool, QUB, Stirling, Surrey |
필름/영화 Film/Television/Screen |
Cardiff, Essex, Glasgow, Sussex, York |
미디어 Media/Journalism |
Cardiff, City, Goldsmiths, Lancaster, Liverpool, Newcastle, QUB, Sheffiled, Sussex, UEA |
음악/작곡 Music/Music Industry/Composion |
Goldsmiths, Liverpool, Sheffiled, York |
스포츠/축구 Sports/football |
OnCampus(Birkbeck), Liverpool |
경영학 석사 MBA |
Exeter, Glasgow, Liverpool, Sheffiled |
공대 Mechanic Engineering/Civil, Automatic/ Electronic/Electric/ Structural/Software |
Aberdeen, City, Cranfield, Durham, Glasgow, Lancaster, Nottingham, Sheffield, Strathclyde, Surrey |
해양/오일/가스/엔지니어링 Offshore/Subsea/Marine/ Oil and Gas/Petroleum/ Renewable Engergy |
Aberdeen, Strathclyde |
조선업 Naval Architecture/ Ship&Offshore Technology/ Subsea & Popleline |
Strathclyde |
디자인 엔지니어링 Design Engineering |
Brunel, Strathclyde |
컴퓨터 Computing/Cyber Security |
Aberdeen, Brunel, Essex, Cardiff, City, Cranfield, Glasgow, Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, RHUL, Strathclyde, Stirling, Sussex, York |
데이터 Data Science |
Aberdeen, City, Durham, Lancaster, RHUL, Sheffiled |
로보틱스(Robotics) | Essex, Sheffield, York |
약학 Drug Delivery/Pharmacology Pharmaceutical Manufacturing/ Drug Discovery |
Strathclyde, Nottingham |
공공행정 Public Admin/Public Policy |
Cardiff, Glasgow, Nottingham(MPA), Queen Mary, UEA, York |
공공위생 Public Health/Health Policy |
City, Glasgow, QUB, Sheffiled |
공익경제 Public Economic |
Durham |
도시계획 Town Planning |
Glasgow, Liverpool, Newcastle, York |
의료 Medical, Health |
Essex, Glasgow, QMUL, York |
약학/조제학 Drug Discovery/Pharmaceutical |
Nottingham, Strathclyde |
바이오/바이오메디컬 Biology/Bitotec/Bioengineering/ Biomedical/ Cancer Cell Biology |
Essex, Glsgow, Lancaster, Nottingham, Sheffiled, Sussex, York |
화학 Chemistry |
Glasgow |
물리 Physics/Nuclear |
Glasgow, Strathclyde |
수학 Math/Statistics/ Mathematical Science/Financial Maths |
Aberdeen, Durham, Essex, Glasgow, Lancaster, Sheffield, UEA, York |
뇌과학 Neuroscience |
Durham, Sussex, Sheffiled |
에너지 Energy, Renewable Energy |
City, Durham, Nottingham, Sussex, York |
환경 Environment/ Enviroment Management |
Brunel, Cardiff, Cranfield, Durham, Essex, Glasgow, QMUL, Lancaster, Nottingham, Sheffiled, Sussex, UEA, York |
푸드 Food Production/Food Science/ Nutrition |
City, Cranfield, Glasgow, Nottingham, Surrey, Sussex |
예술경영 Art Management |
City, Goldsmiths, Nottingham, QUB |
디자인 Design and Branding Strategy/ Product Design |
Brunel |
순수미술 Fine Art |
Brighton, Goldsmiths |
미술사 Art History |
Glasgow, SOAS, Sussex |
큐레이팅/박물관 Curating/Gallery |
Brighton, Essex, Glasgow, Goldsmiths, Newcastle, York |
디자인 Design/Graphic Design/ Illustration/Interior Design |
Brighton, Goldsmith |
건축 Architecture |
Brighton, Liverpool, Sheffiled, Strathclyde |
Bristol University | Ma Law (1년 GDL + 1년 석사) 바로보기 |
York University | MPA Public Administration with Professional Placement (1년석사+1년실습) 바로보기 |
The University of Sheffield | Ma Town and Regional Planning with Advanced Study in Practice (1년석사+1년실습) 바로보기 |
University of Exeter | MPA Mastr of Public Administration (1년석사+1년실습) 바로보기 |
University of Kent | 2 year Master's International Social Policy 바로보기 |
주로 경제/경영, 인문/사회, 인문 석사 전공 제공
런던내의 학교 | 런던이외의 학교 | |
SOAS | Bath | Reading |
Imperial | Bristol | Sheffiled |
UCL | Durham | Southampton |
KCL | Edinburgh | Surrey |
Goldsmiths | Glasgow | Sussex |
Royal Holloway | Leeds | Swansea |
Westminster | Leicestr | York |
City | Liverpool | UAL |
Loughborough | Warwick | |
Queen's University Belfast |
Aston | Kingston |
Birmingham | Liverpool John Moores |
Bradford | Manchester |
Bristol | Manchester Metropolitan |
Huddersfield | Queen Mary |
Kent | Salford |
Leeds | Sheffield |
Leeds Beckett | Sheffield Hallam |
Kaplan International College London에서 제공하는 Pre-Doctorate 코스
파트너 대학/ 타대학 지원 | 진학 가능한 박사과정(Available Research Areas) |
[인터뷰 보장 대학] University of Aberdeen Cranfield University University of Liverpool University of the West of England [영국의 타 대학 지원] |
Architecture, Built Environment and Planning |
Biological Sciences | |
Business and Man | |
Chemistry | |
Clinical Medicine | |
Computer Science and Informatics | |
Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences | |
Education | |
General Engineering | |
Georgraphy, Environmental Studies and Archaeology | |
Law | |
Mathematical Sciences | |
Politics and International Studies | |
Psychology, Psychiatry and Neurosicence | |
Public Heath, Health Services and Primary Care | |
Sociology | |
* 이외에도 다양한 전공으로 지원이 가능 |