중북부 크랜필드 대학교 프리마스터 Cranfield University
페이지 정보

Cranfield University 프리마스터
◆ Cranfield University 대학교 페이지 : https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/
◆ Cranfield University 프리마스터 영문 페이지 : https://www.kaplanpathways.com/universities/cranfield-university/
◆ 제공 코스
| 파운데이션 코스 : Art and Design | Business, Law and Social Sciences | Science and Engineering
| 프리마스터(Graduate Diploma) : Business, Law and Social Sciences | Science and Engineering
| 영어코스(English Language Courses) : Academic English
◆ 위치 : College Rd, Cranfield, Wharley End, Bedford MK43 0AL 영국
Cranfield University 프리마스터는?
프리마스터 특징
크랜필드 대학교(Cranfield University)는 1946년에 설립된 과학, 공학, 경영 분야 등 석사 과정만을 전문으로 하는 대학원으로, 영국의 연구 우수 대학 Top 5 중 한 곳이기도 하며 세계적인 명성과 전문성을 가지고 있습니다.
항공대학으로 처음 문을 연 만큼 항공 분야에서 강세를 보이며 모터스포츠, 환경, 보건, 경영, 제조공학, 안보방위 등의 분야에서도 전문적인고 실용적인 교육을 제공합니다. 전통적인 학문보다는 기업체와 함께 산업적이고 전문적인 계발에 주력하고 있습니다.
KIC London에서는 크랜필드 대학 입학 보장 석사예비과정을 운영하고 있습니다.
제공 프리마스터 (Graduate Diploma)
International Graduate Diploma in Business, Law and Social Sciences
▶ 코스 정보 : https://kaplan-international-college-london/courses/pre-masters
International Graduate Diploma in Science and Engineering
입학시기 및 입학조건
학기/ 텀 : 3텀과정으로 구성
시작 시기 : 9월(종료 : 이듬해 6월), 1월 (종료 : 같은해 8월 종료), 두 시작일 모두 같은 9월에 석사 입학
입학 요건 :
| 3년제이상 졸업, 또는 4년제 대학 졸업
| 프리마스터 후의 석사의 특정 전공에 따라서, 입학 여부가 달라 질수 있기 때문에, 사람사랑으로 입학 문의를 부탁드립니다.
영어 성적(UKVI IELTS) :
| 3텀 - Overall UKVI IELTS 5.5 (모든 요소 최소 5.5 이상)
프리마스터 학비 / 장학금(2024/25)
▶ 프리마스터 코스 페이지에서 확인 가능
| 장학금은 매년 시기에 따라 달라질 수 있기 때문에, 사람사람으로 문의 바랍니다.
Cranfield University 프리마스터 후 Progression Master Degree
Business, Law and Social Sciences MSc Accounting and Management MA Applied Human Rights MA Applied Linguistics for English Language Teaching MA Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching MSc Business Economics MPA Comparative Applied Social and Public Policy, Evaluation and Research MA Comparative and International Social Policy MA Conflict, Governance and Development MA Contemporary History and International Politics LLM Corporate Finance Law MSc Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Management MA Creative Writing and Publishing LLM Criminal Litigation MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice MA Criminology and Social Research MA Culture, Policy and Management MA Culture, Society and Globalisation MDes in Design Thinking MSc Development Economics and Emerging Markets MA Development and Global Health MSc Development and International Business MSc Digital Business MSc Digital Marketing Management MA Diplomacy and Foreign Policy MA Diplomacy and Global Politics MSc Economic Evaluation in Healthcare MSc Economic Policy and Analysis MSc Economics and Public Policy MA Education LLM Entertainment Law MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Enterprise Development MSc Environmental Economics and Environmental Management MSc Environmental Management for Business MSc Finance (Banking) MSc Finance (International Finance) MSc Finance and Accounting MSc Finance and Management MSc Finance, Investments and Economics MSc Fintech with Business Analytics MSc Food Policy MA Global Creative Industries MA Global Crime and Justice MA Global Development MSc Global Marketing MA Global Political Economy MA Global Social Policy MA Global and International Citizenship Education MSc Health Economics MSc Health Management Systems MSc Health Policy MA Human Resource Management MSc Human Resource Management | LLM International Banking and Finance Law MSc International Business Economics MA/MSc International Business and Management MSc International Business and Politics MSc International Business and Strategic Management LLM International Commercial Law LLM International Commercial Law MA International Communications and Development LLM International Corporate and Commercial Law MSc International Development Management MA International Human Resource Management LLM International Human Rights MA International Journalism LLM International Law LLM International Litigation and Dispute Resolution MA International Political Economy: Critical Theories, Issues and Conflicts MA International Politics MA International Politics and Human Rights MSc International Public Policy MA International Publishing MA International Relations MA International Relations and Democratic Politics MA International Relations and Security LLM International and Commercial Dispute Resolution Law MSc Investment and Risk Finance LLM Legal and Political Theory MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc Management MA Management MSc Management and Corporate Sustainability MSc Management and Entrepreneurship MSc Management and Information Systems LLM Maritime Law MA Marketing Communications MA/MSc Marketing Management LLM Master of Laws MA Media and Communications MSc Project Management MPA Public Administration MPA Public Administration - International Development MA Public Administration and Public Policy LLM Public International Law MSc Public Policy MA Publishing MA Social Justice and Education MSc Social Media and Management MA Social Media and Social Research MA Social and Public Policy MA Sociolinguistics MSc Strategic Marketing MSc Sustainability Management and Innovation MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA Tourism Management MSc Transport Planning and Management MSc Water and Environmental Management | Science and Engeeniering MSc Advanced Air Mobility Systems MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc Advanced Digital Energy Systems MSc Advanced Heat Engineering MSc Advanced Lightweight and Composite Structures MSc Advanced Materials MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc Advanced Water Management MSc Aerospace Dynamics MSc Aerospace Manufacturing MSc Aerospace Materials MSc Air Transport Management MSc Airport Planning and Management MSc Applied Bioinformatics MSc Applied Biotechnology MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering MSc Automotive Engineering MSc Automotive Mechatronics MSc Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control MSc Civil Engineering Structures MSc Communications Engineering MSc Computational Fluid Dynamics MSc Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering - Computational Engineering Design MSc Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering - Computational Intelligence for Data Analytics MSc Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering - Computer and Machine Vision MSc Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering - Software Engineering for Technical Computing MSc Computer Games Technology MSc Construction Management MSc Cyber Security MSc Data Science MSc Data Science and Analytics MSc Digital Systems Engineering MSc Embedded Wireless Systems MSc Energy and Environmental Technology and Economics MSc Engineering Management MSc Engineering and Management of Manufacturing Systems MSc Environmental Engineering MSc Environmental Science and Management MSc Finance and Management |
Cranfield University 프리마스터 관련자료
▶ https://www.kaplanpathways.com/colleges/kaplan-international-college-london/student-services/
▶ https://www.kaplanpathways.com/colleges/kaplan-international-college-london/employability/
▶ https://www.kaplanpathways.com/colleges/kaplan-international-college-london/partner-universities/
《사람사랑유학원 수속 절차》
| 유학 수속료 : 위의 학교는 한국 공식 유학원으로 무료 수속 (의대 등 추가 서비스가 필요한 경우, 수속료 요구됨)
| 지원 시 보증금 20만원이 필요하며, 수속 후 입학시 환불
| 유학 상담→유학 서류 사람사랑에 제출→학교 지원→입학 허가 후 학비 송금→비자 신청→출국 전 오리엔테이션
| 각 학교의 취소 및 환불 규정은 각 학교의 Terms and Conditions를 참조 바랍니다.
숙박 정보
Cranfield 숙박정보
▶ 기숙사 페이지 링크 ; https://kaplan-international-college-london/accommodation/
스튜던트 홈즈 (사설 학생 기숙사 제공 회사)
| 한국분이 한국에서 숙박 상담 및 예약을 제공
| 자신이 원하는 가격과 거리, 그리고 시설을 원할 경우에 참고 바랍니다.
▶스트던트 홈즈의 자세한 정보/ 예약 요령 : http://www.peopleloving.co.kr/EZ/rb/view.asp?seq=2&page=1&BoardModule=Board&tbcode=abroad03
▶스튜던트 홈즈의 블로그 : https://blog.naver.com/studenthomes
▶스튜던트 홈즈의 카카오 official 상담 채널: http://pf.kakao.com/_iyxlTs/chat