버밍엄 대학교 (러셀 그룹) University of Birmingham / Russell Group
페이지 정보

학교 소개
버밍엄 대학교 (University of Birmingham)는 영국 제 2의 도시인 버밍엄 Edgbaston에 위치한 공립 종합 대학교입니다. 1900년영국 왕실 헌장을 받아 설립되었고, 붉은 벽돌 대학 중 최초로 왕실 헌장을 받았습니다. 설립 당시 지역 상공 업계에서 일할 고급 인력 양성을 목적으로 하였기때문에 개교 초부터 과학과 공업 부문 교육에 중점을 두었으며, 이 전통은 현재까지도 이어지고 있습니다. 영국 최초의 공립대학이며 1901년 버밍엄의 풍부한 경제력을 기반으로영국에서 최초로 상경 학부를 개설했습니다.
버밍엄 대학교는 영국 연구 대학들의 모임인 러셀 그룹 (Russell Group)과 국제 대학 연구네트워크 (Universitas 21)의 창립 멤버일뿐 아니라2019년에 QS 세계 대학 순위에서 영국에서 14 위, 세계에서 79 위를 차지했습니다. 또한 2013년 버밍엄대학교는 타임즈지가 선정한 (Times Higher Education Awards) '2014년의대학' 으로 선정 되기도 하며, 2017년 Global Employability University Ranking에서 버밍엄은 전세계 142 위, 영국 10 위를차지하였고, The Times와 The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018에서는 대학원 유망 후보로 영국에서 5위를 차지했습니다.
학교 정보
- website: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/index.aspx
- 위치:Birmingham, UK
- 학생 수: 약 35,000 명(Undergraduates:23,000 / Postgraduates 12,000 )
- 학비: 약 £18,120-£24,660 /년
- 기숙사 :https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/study/accommodation/index.aspx/ (5월 31일까지 신청시 1학년은 기숙사보장)
- Overall ranking in theUK:19위 (The times)
- QS world universities ranking: 87위
- 주요 전공 랭킹:
Chemistry | 6 |
Economics | 19 |
English | 4 |
Law | 21 |
Nursing | 4 |
Politics | 17 |
Psychology | 10 |
Sociology | 12
제공하는 전공 (학부/석사)
A Accounting, BusinessFinance Aerospace Engineering Ancient and Medieval History Ancient History Anthropology Applied Golf Management Studies Applied Mathematics, TheoreticalPhysics and Archaeology & Ancient History Archaeology and Anthropology Art, History of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science | B B Biochemistry Biochemistry with an International Year Biochemistry with Study in Continental Europe Biochemistry with a Professional Placement Biochemistry, Medical Biological Science (Genetics) Biological Sciences (Zoology) Biology, Human Biology Human with Professional Placement Biomedical Materials Science Biomedical Science Business Management Business Management with Year in Industry Business Management Chemistry Business Management Communication BusinessManagement Communication with Year in Industry Business Management with Marketing Business Management with Marketing with Year in Industry Business Management Psychology BusinessStudies with Law LLB |
C Chemical Engineering Chemistry Chemistry with a Modern Language Chemistry with Business Management Chemistry with Industrial Experience Civil and Railway Engineering Civil Engineering Civilisation, Classical Literature Classical Literature & Civilisation and Philosophy Classics Communications, Business Management and Year in Industry Communications, Business Management Communications, International Business Computer Science and Software Engineering Computer Science
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Creative Writing, English Criminology Criminology, Law with LLB | D Dental Hygiene and Therapy Dental Surgery Development, International Relations Drama and English Drama and Theatre Arts |
E Economics and Politics Economics Economics with German Economics with Spanish Economics, International relationships Economics, Policy, Politics Education and Sociology Education Electrical and Railway Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Electronic and Railway Engineering Engineering Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Science Engineering Mechanical Materials Engineering Nuclear Engineering, Science, Materials English and Creative Writing English and Film English and History English and History of Art English and Philosophy English as a Modern Foreign Language English English Language English with Shakespeare Environmental Science | F Film, English and, Finance and Accounting Finance, Accounting Finance, Money and Banking French Law, Law with LLB French, International Relations |
G Geography and Urban and Regional Planning Geography Geography with International Year Geography with Year Abroad Geology and Physical Geography Geology Geology with an International Year German Law, Law with LLB German Economics German International Relations Golf Management Studies | H History and History of Art History and Philosophy History and Politics History and Theology History History of Art History, Ancient and Medieval History, Ancient, Human Biology Human Biology with an International Year HumanBiology with Professional PlacementHuman Neuroscience |
I International Business
International Business with Communications International Business with Language International Development and Politics International Law and Globalisation LLB International Relations and Development InternationalRelationsInternational Relations with Economics International Relations with French International Relations with German International Relations with Spanish International Relations, Politics | L Law LLB Law with Business Studies LLB Law with Criminology LLB Law with French Law LLB Law with German LLB Liberal Arts and Sciences |
M Management, Business Management Business with Economics Management Business with Finance Management Business with Psychology Marketing, Business Management, Marketing, with Business Management and Year in Industry Materials Science and Engineering Materials, Nuclear Science Mathematical Economics and Statistics Mathematics and Computer Science Mathematics and Music Mathematics and Philosophy Mathematics Mechanical and Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering Medical Biochemistry Medicine and Surgery Modern Language Modern Language Chemistry Modern Language English Modern Language History Modern Language History of Art Modern Language and Music Modern Languages with Business Management Money, Banking and Finance MPharm Pharmacy (4-year) MSci Biomedical Science Music BMus | N Natural Science Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Science and Materials Nursing BNurs - Adult Nursing BNurs - Child Nursing BNurs - Mental Health Nursing MNurs - Adult Nursing MNurs - Adult and Mental Health (Dual Registration) Nursing MNurs - Child Nursing Mnurs - Child and Mental Health (Dual Registration) Nursing Mnurs - Mental Health |
P Palaeontology and Geology Palaeontology and geology with an International Year Pharmacy 5-Year MPharm Pharmacy MPharm (4-year) Philosophy and Sociology Philosophy Philosophy, Politics Philosophy Politics and Year Abroad Philosophy, Religion and Ethics Physical Education and Coaching Science, sport Physics Physics and Astrophysics Physics, Particle Physics & Cosmology Physiotherapy Policy, politics and Economics Political Economy Politics and International Relations Politics and Philosophy Politics and Social Policy Politics and Sociology Politics Politics and Economics Politics International Development Politics, Religion and Philosophy Professional Golf Studies Psychology and Psychological Practice Psychology and Psychological Research Psychology Psychology in Education Psychology with Business Management Psychology with Year Abroad | R Russian Studies and International Relations |
S Social Policy and Criminology Social Policy and Sociology Social Policy and Politics Social Work Sociology and Criminology Sociology and Education
Sociology Sociology Politics Sociology, Social Policy Software Engineering/Computer Science Spanish, Economics Spanish, International Relations Sport, Exercise & Health Sciences Sport, PE and Coaching Sciences Statistics, Mathematical Economics and, | T Theology and Religion Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics Theoretical Physics |
석사전공: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/postgraduate/courses/search.aspx#CourseComplete_AtoZTab
유명 졸업생
l Rodolfo Neri Vela (로돌포네리 벨라) - NASA우주왕복선에 탑승 한 멕시코 과학자이자 우주 비행사
l MauriceHugh Frederick Wilkins(모리스 윌킨스) - DNA이중나선 구조를 규명하는데 기여한 공로노벨 생리학·의학상을 수상한 영국의 물리학자, 분자생물학자
l John Stewart Bell (존 스튜어트 벨) -양자역학에서숨은 변수의 부재를 나타내는 벨 부등식을 증명한 영국의 물리학자
Student Life
- Student Life: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/international/students/studentlife.aspx
- 교내활동 Sports - https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/international/students/support-international.aspx
도시 정보
- 공식 사이트: https://visitbirmingham.com/
- 지역신문: https://visitbirmingham.com/things-to-see-and-do/city-news-p1376401