본머스 대학교 Bournemouth University
페이지 정보
학교 소개
본머스대학교는 영국 잉글랜드 도싯주 본머스에 있는 공립 종합대학교 입니다. 본머스 대학교는1992년에 설립되었으며, 전신은 1900년대 초 본머스 시립 대학(Bournemouth Municipal College)으로 세워졌으며1983년버나드 맥매누스(Bernard MacManus) 총장의 부임으로 커리큘럼과 학생 수가 크게증가하면서 1990년에 대학 지위를 획득하여 1992년 본머스대학이 되었습니다.
2018년 현재 보건‧사회과학, 경영학, 미디어‧커뮤니케이션학, 과학기술학의 4개 단과 대학 아래 인문과학‧공공보건학과, 사회과학‧사회복지학과, 본머스경영대학, 이벤트‧레저학과, 스포츠‧신체활동학과, 관광경영학과, 언론‧영어‧커뮤니케이션학과, 법학과, 고고학과, 컴퓨터‧정보학과, 디자인‧공학과, 심리학과등 19개 학과를 두고 있으며 120개 이상의 학부와 90개 이상의 대학원 프로그램이 있으며 학부와 석사, 박사 과정이제공됩니다.
1만 5,000여 명의재학생 가운데 3,000여 명이 외국인입니다. 미디어산업분야에서 명성이 높습니다. 많은 동문이 헐리우드 영화사에서일하며 2017년 영국 정부가 선정하는 대학 및 고등 교육 기관 순위에서 학부 교육 수준이실버 등급을 받았습니다.
학교 정보
- Website: https://www.stir.ac.uk/
- 위치: Fern Barrow, Poole BH12 5BB,UK
- 학생 수: 약 12,500명(Undergraduate 14,500 / Postgraduate 3,000 )
- 학비: 약 £14,100-£15,000/ 년
- 기숙사:https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/why-bu/accommodation
(8월 10일까지 신청시 모든학생 기숙사 보장)
- Overall ranking in the UK: 68위(The times)
- 주요 전공 랭킹:
제공하는 전공 (학부/석사)
Accounting,Finance & Economics Accounting Accounting and Finance Finance International Finance Politics and Economics Economics Accounting and Finance | Archaeology& Anthropology Archaeology Archaeology and Anthropology Anthropology Archaeological, Anthropological and ForensicSciences Archaeology |
Business& Management Business and Management Global Business Management Global Business Management International Business and Management | ComputerAnimation, Games & Visual Effects Computer Animation Art and Design Computer Animation Technical Arts Visual Effects Games Design Games Software Engineering Virtual andAugmented Reality |
Computing& Informatics Business Information Technology Computer Networks Computing Cyber Security Management Data Science and Analytics ForensicComputing and Security Information Technology Management SoftwareEngineering | Design& Engineering Product Design Product Design Futures Engineering MechanicalEngineering Design Engineering Product Design Product Design Engineering (Top-up) MechanicalEngineering |
Health& Social Care Social Work Adult Nursing Children's and Young People's Nursing Mental Health Nursing Mental Health Nursing (Advanced Standing) Midwifery Nutrition Occupational Therapy Operating Department Practice Paramedic Science Physiotherapy SportsTherapy | History,Politics & Social Studies Criminology History Politics Politics and Economics Sociology Sociology and Criminology Sociology and Social Anthropology Sociology with Politics Anthropology |
Journalism,English & Communication Communication and Media English Marketing Communications Marketing Communications with Advertising Marketing Communications with Digital Media Marketing Communications with Public Relations Multimedia Journalism MultimediaSports Journalism | Law Law Law with Politics Law, Media& Creative Industries |
Life& Environmental Sciences Biological Sciences Ecology & Wildlife Conservation Environmental Science Forensic Biology Forensic Investigation Forensic Science Geography | Marketing Marketing Communications Marketing Communications with Advertising Marketing Communications with Digital Media Marketing Communications with Public Relations Marketing |
Media,Film, TV & Music Production Commercial Photography Film FilmProduction and Cinematography Immersive Media Media Production Music and Sound Production Photography TelevisionProduction | MedicalScience Biomedical Sciences MedicalScience |
Psychology Cyberpsychology Psychology Psychology with Counselling Psychologywith Forensic Investigation | Sport Sport and Exercise Science Sport Coaching Sport Management SportsTherapy |
Tourism,Hospitality & Events Events Management International Hospitality & TourismManagement (Top-up) International Hospitality Management International Tourism and HospitalityManagement Tourism Management |
학사 전공: https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/undergraduate-course-list
석사 전공:https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/courses/postgraduate-subject-areas
유명 졸업생
ㅣ Charles EdwardMark Hansel (햔셀): 초 심리학 연구에 대한 비판으로 가장 유명한 영국의 심리학자
ㅣ Roger MichaelBurnley (로저 마이클 번리): Asda의 최고 경영자
ㅣ Timothy Darvill (티모시다르빌): 고고학자
Student Life
- Student Life: https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/why-bu/student-life
- 교내 활동 Sports: https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/why-bu/sportbu
- 교내 신문 : https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/about/news-events/news
도시 정보
- 공식 사이트:https://www.visit-dorset.com/
- 지역 신문:https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/dorset