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Physical Science & Mathmatics

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Physical Science & Mathmatics

Aalen, O., Borgan, O. & Gjessing, H (2008). 

Survival and event history analysis: A process point of view. USA: Springer. 

Aaronson, S. (2013). 

Quantum computing since Democritus. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Anderson, J.D. (2010). 

Fundamentals of aerodynamics(Mcgraw Hill Series in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering) (5th edn). USA: McGraw-Hill Education.

Ball, P. (1999). 

Made to measure: New materials for the 21st century. USA: Princeton University Press.

Bell, E.T. (1996). 

Mathematics: Queen and servant of science. UK: G. Bell and Sons Ltd

Botton, A. (2014). 

The architecture of happiness.UK: Penguin Group. 

Ching, F.D.K. (2015). 

Architectural graphics (6th edn). USA: John Wiley & Sons.

Dewdney, A.K. (2003). 

New Turing omnibus. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fetter A.L. & Walecka J.D. (2003). 

Quantum theory of many-particle systems. USA: Dover Publications Inc.

Forbes, P. (2006). 

The gecko’s foot: How scientists are taking a leaf from nature’s book. USA: Harper Perennial.

Glasserman, P. (2010). 

Monte Carlo methods in financial engineering. USA: Springer.

Gordon, J.E. (2018). 

The new science of strong materials. USA: Princeton University Press. 

Hills, W.D. (2001). 

The pattern on the stone: The simple ideas that make computers work. UK: Phoenix

Hogg, R.V & Tanis, E.A. (2015). 

Probability and statistical inference, global edition (9th edn). UK: Pearson Education Limited.

Hughes, E., Hiley, J., McKenzie-Smith, I. & Brown, K. (2016). 

Hughes electrical and electronic technology (12th edn.). UK: Pearson. 

Körner, T.W. (1996). 

The pleasures of counting.UK: Cambridge University Press. 

Kurzweil, R. (2005). 

The singularity is near. USA: Duckworth.

Lorrain, P. & Corson, D.R. (1990). 

Electromagnetism, principles and applications (2nd edn). USA: W. H. Freeman & Co Ltd. 

Macdonald, A.S., Richards, S.J. & Currie, I.D. (2018). 

Modelling mortality with actuarial applications. UK: Cambridge University Press. 

MacKay, D.J.C. (2008). 

Sustainable energy – without the hot air. UK: UIT Cambridge Ltd.

Main, I.G. (1989). 

Vibrations and waves in physics(3rd end). UK: Cambridge University Press.

Meriam, J.L., Kraige, L.G. & Bolton, J.N. (2016). 

Engineering mechanics: Dynamics (8th edn). USA: John Wiley & Sons. 

Neale, V. (2017). 

Closing the gap: The quest to understand prime numbers. UK: Oxford University Press. 

Norman, E., Cubitt, J., Urry, S. & Whittaker, M. (2000). 

Advanced design and technology. UK: Longman Group Ltd.

Perec, G. (2008). 

Species of spaces and other pieces. UK: Penguin Classics. 

Petzold, C. (2000). 

Code: The hidden language of computer hardware and software. USA: Microsoft Press. 

Rogers, G. & Mayhew, Y. (1992)

Engineering thermodynamics: Work and heat transfer (4th edn). UK: Pearson Education Limited. 

Sautoy, M. (2004). 

The music of the primes: Why an unsolved problem in mathematics matters. USA: Harper Perennial. 

Sautoy, M. (2009). 

Finding moonshine: A mathematician’s journey through symmetry. USA: Harper Perennial. 

Silver, N. (2012). 

The signal and the noise: Why so many predictions fail – but some don’t. UK: Penguin Group.

Spiegel, M.R. (1959). 

Vector analysis and an introduction to tensor analysis. USA: Schaum Publications.

Stroud, K.A., Booth, D.J. (2013). 

Engineering mathematics (7th edn). UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Sumpter, D. (2018). 

Outnumbered: From Facebook and Google to fake news and filter-bubbles – The algorithms that control our lives. USA: Bloomsbury Sigma. 

Sutton, I. (2000). 

Western architecture: A survey from ancient Greece to the present. UK: Thames and Hudson Ltd. 

Tremayne, D. (2009). 

The science of Formula 1 design. UK: J.H. Haynes & Co. Ltd. 

Vincenti, W.G. (1993). 

What engineers know and how they know it: Analytical studies from aeronautical history. USA: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Watts, A. (2018). 

Modern construction handbook (5th edn). Switzerland: Birkhäuser. 

Whalley, P.B. (1992). 

Basic engineering thermodynamics. UK: Oxford University Press. 

Wittkower, R. (1991). 

Architectural principles in the age of humanism (4th edn). USA: John Wiley & Sons.

Zeng, L., Jansson, L. & Wiberg, N. (2015). 

Toward consistent design evaluation of nuclear power piping by nonlinear finite element analysis. USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Total 20건 2 페이지


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