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Healthcare & Biological Science

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Healthcare & Biological Science

Alberts, B., Bray, D., Hopkin, K. & Johnson, A. (2009).

Essential cell biology. USA: Garland.

Ahmed, N. (2016).

Clinical biochemistry (2nd edn). UK: Oxford University Press.

Ahmed, N., Glencross, H. & Wang, Q. (2016).

Biomedical science practice (2nd edn). UK: Oxford University Press.

Ashcroft, F. (2012)

The spark of life: Electricity in the human body. UK: Penguin Books.

Avent, N. (2018).

Transfusion and transplantation science (2nd edn). UK: Oxford University Press.

Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L., Gatto, G.J. & Stryer, L. (2015).

Biochemistry (8th edn). USA: W.H. Freeman & Co.

Brooker, R.J. (2017).

Genetics: Analysis and principles (6th edn). USA: McGraw-Hill Education.

Brüne, M. (2015).

Textbook of evolutionary psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine: The origins of psychopathology (2nd edn). UK: Oxford University Press.

Calvin, W.H. & Ojamann, G.A. (1995).

Conversations with Neil’s brain: The natural nature of thought and language. USA: Basic Books.

Carey, N. (2012).

The epigenetics revolution: How modern biology is rewriting our understanding of genetics, disease and inheritance. USA: Columbia University Press.

Clayden, N., Greeves, N. & Warren, S.

Organic chemistry (2nd edn). UK: Oxford University Press.

Dawkins, R. (2004).

The ancestor’s tale: A pilgrimage to the dawn of evolution. UK: Mariner Books.

Dawkins, R. (2006).

The blind watchmaker. UK: Penguin Books.

Dawkins, R. (2016).

The selfish gene: 40th Anniversary edition (Oxford Landmark Science). UK: Oxford University Press.

Francis, R. (2011).

Epigenetics: The ultimate mystery of inheritance. USA: W.W. Norton & Company.

Gawande, A. (2014).

Being mortal: Medicine and what matters in the end. USA: Metropolitan Books.

Gluckman, P., Beedle, A., Buklijas, T., Low, F. & Hanson, M. (2016).

Principles of evolutionary medicine (2nd edn). UK: Oxford University Press.

Gylnn, I. (2010).

Elegance in science: The beauty of simplicity. UK: Oxford University Press.

Hilal-Dandan, R. & Brunton, L. (2013).

Goodman and Gilman manual of pharmacology and therapeutics (2nd edn). USA: McGraw-Hill Education.

Hill, R.W., Wyse, G.A. & Anderson, M. (2016).

Animal physiology (4th edn). UK: Sinauer Associates, Inc.

Horowitz, A. (2009).

Inside of a dog: What dogs see, smell, and know. USA: Scribner Book Company.

Housecroft, C.E. & Sharpe, A.G. (2018).

Inorganic chemistry (5th edn). UK: Pearson.

Howard, P.A. (2016).

Basic & applied concepts of blood banking and transfusion practices (4th edn). USA: Mosby.

King, J. (2011).

Reaching for the sun: How plants work (2nd edn). UK: Cambridge University Press.

Lavers, C. (2000).

Why elephants have big ears. UK: Victor Gollancz.

Loke, Y.W. (2013).

Life’s vital link: The astonishing role of the placenta. UK: Oxford University Press.

Moalem, S. (2007).

Survival of the sickest: A medical maverick discovers why we need disease. USA: William Morrow.

Montgomery, D.R. (2015).

The hidden half of nature: The microbial roots of life and health. USA: W.W. Norton & Company.

Mukherjee, S. (2011).

The emperor of all maladies: A biography of cancer. USA: Schribner.

Murphy, K. & Weaver, C. (2016).

Janeway’s Immunobiology (9th edn). USA: Garland Science.

Murray, J.J., Nunn J.H. & Steele, J.G. (2003).

The prevention of oral disease (4th edn). UK: Oxford University Press.

Nobel, P.S. (2005).

Physicochemical and environmental plant physiology (3rd edn).Holland: Elsevier Academic Press.

Nott, D. (2020).

War doctor: Surgery on the front line.UK: Picador.

Orchard, G. & Nation, B. (2014).

Cell structure & function. UK: Oxford University Press.

Pocock, G., Richards, C.D. & Richards, D.A. (2017).

Human physiology (5th edn). UK: Oxford University Press.

Sacks, O. (1985).

The man who mistook his wife for a hat and other clinical tales. UK: Gerald Duckworth.

Starr, D. (2002).

Blood: An epic history of medicine & commerce. USA: Diane Pub Co.

Simons, D. Potter, C. & Temple, G. (2007).

Hypnosis and communication in dental practice. UK: Quintessence Publishing.

Tappia, P.S., Bhullar, S.K. & Dhalla, S.N. (2020).

Biochemistry of cardiovascular dysfunction in obesity. USA: Springer.

Tortora, G.T. & Derrickson, B.H. (2009).

Essentials of anatomy and physiology: International student version. USA: John Wiley & Sons

Vogel, S. (2013).

Comparative biomechanics: Life’s physical world (2nd edn). USA: Princeton University Press.

Washer, P. (2009). 

Clinical communication skills. UK: Oxford University Press.

Widmaier, E.P. (1998). 

Why geese don’t get obese (and we do). USA: W.H. Freeman and Co.

Willmer, P. Stone, G. & Johnston, I. (2004). 

Environmental physiology of animals (2nd edn). UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Yong, E. (2016). 

I contain multitudes: The microbes within us and a grander view of life. UK: Bodley Head.

Total 20건 2 페이지


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